What do you look for when buying containers?

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Whether you're in the self storage or portable storage industry, what things do you take into consideration when looking to purchase containers for your business?
My property doesn't have the room for containers, but am looking forward to other opinions...our other properties have room for these. I would assume they go on concrete, as gravel and plain old ground will have holes over time?1
Storage containers can be placed on any level surface such as gravel, grass, dirt, concrete or asphalt. As long as the ground is level, you are good! Some prefer to have them on concrete but do not want to pour a full pad, therefore they may opt for strips to support all four corners. I have included a photo example of this option.
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@BoxwellLLC ....:o ...I had no idea...What little I have seen on TV, they didn't seem as well made. I like the staggering idea for drainage.
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