Outlook - express click yes and the redemption.dll fix
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified ✭
Has anyone in the group found this to be a problem or are there fixes I am unaware of?
Express click yes will not work with Windows 10, Even the pro version you pay for. The Redemption.dll fix works if your version of Outlook is 32bit, but only until Microsoft sends down an update, sometimes for Office or sometimes Windows. But this fix also requires Admin sign in and disabling all security features in Outlook. Not good. We use Office 365 as well and I have been advised:
"The management and maintenance of the using the Office 365 Exchange online server made that option undesirable. Even though that solution utilizes the Office 365 and accounts that are in place the other challenges make this undesirable. The issue starts with the labor to set each site up and then continues as each site would need to be managed for changes to passwords, updates to Office 365 that modify the way the service works, and troubleshooting/maintenance is complicated by the number accounts."
The recommendation is to set up a separate SMTP email account for each site, which is unacceptable.
It has been more than a year, there needs to be a solution that doesn't require clicking "allow" for mass emails. I do understand this is not solely for Sitelink to fix, MS Office needs to address it as well. I cant imagine the Storage industry is the only one to use a separate management software.
Express click yes will not work with Windows 10, Even the pro version you pay for. The Redemption.dll fix works if your version of Outlook is 32bit, but only until Microsoft sends down an update, sometimes for Office or sometimes Windows. But this fix also requires Admin sign in and disabling all security features in Outlook. Not good. We use Office 365 as well and I have been advised:
"The management and maintenance of the using the Office 365 Exchange online server made that option undesirable. Even though that solution utilizes the Office 365 and accounts that are in place the other challenges make this undesirable. The issue starts with the labor to set each site up and then continues as each site would need to be managed for changes to passwords, updates to Office 365 that modify the way the service works, and troubleshooting/maintenance is complicated by the number accounts."
The recommendation is to set up a separate SMTP email account for each site, which is unacceptable.
It has been more than a year, there needs to be a solution that doesn't require clicking "allow" for mass emails. I do understand this is not solely for Sitelink to fix, MS Office needs to address it as well. I cant imagine the Storage industry is the only one to use a separate management software.
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Not a "fix" but a work around I was using. I found a program that was called freemouseclick that would simulate button clicks for you. So when we had to send a couple hundred emails for past dues or invoices I would throw it on one of the side computers since we had 3 for that office and let it run. If you do get it and use it the optimum delay between clicks is 11 seconds, at least for our PC's it was. If you don't have a side computer to tie up for the process you could also let it send during a lunch break or end of day.2
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