How do I Transfer Ownership of a Unit?

I would go through the whole process...move the old out and then move in the new tenant. This way nothing gets lost in person knows all the dos and don'ts and your bases are covered. Keeps procedure uniform and your paperwork straight.1
You can simply change the name of the tenant in SiteLink, but I recommend you have them sign a form called a Release and Conveyance and make the person who it's transferring to sign a new lease. I'll message you a copy of the Release and Conveyance we use. My policy is you must see both people in person, see both of their driver's license, they both sign the form and can have a copy if they like, then the new tenant signs a new contract and related documents, and the new contract, old contract, copies of their driver's license and R&C go in the unit file.9
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
We have two methods of dealing with this.
If the current tenant's rent is close to rack rate, we have a "Transfer of Rental Agreement" form that gets signed by both parties, then the incoming client fills out a new lease. Finished by simply changing the account information in Sitelink. This is mostly for immediate family switching ownership.
We have also told tenants that while they can transfer ownership, the super low "grandfathered" rate they were paying does not. In that case we actually do a "Move out, Move in" with new lease. This is usually a tenant who received a special rate years back, and is trying to "pull a fast one" with a friend to keep the lower rate.
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How do you go about handling the charges of rent for the new tenant?? For example, Bob paid on 6/1/18 for 6/1/18-6/30/18. Bob signs over his unit to Sally on 6/18/18 but wants to keep the rent he paid on 6/1/18 to stay on the account for Sally. How would I go about doing this???0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If you are transferring the unit to Sally, change the tenant info to Sally's info, print out a new lease for Sally and go over all the rules and regulations like you would any lease presentation, have her sign off and then the unit is hers, the rent is still paid until the EOM and nothing changes. If you need to change the rate simply go into ledger settings and change the rate of the unit before printing the lease.4
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Orkocean said:If you are transferring the unit to Sally, change the tenant info to Sally's info, print out a new lease for Sally and go over all the rules and regulations like you would any lease presentation, have her sign off and then the unit is hers, the rent is still paid until the EOM and nothing changes. If you need to change the rate simply go into ledger settings and change the rate of the unit before printing the lease.3
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I make folks come in together as well....with ID... etc...I also assign the "new person responsible" a new gate code with their new lease1
Thank you sooo much for all your help. I would be lost if I didn't have this forum.0
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
When we were with EIM/Skillcheck, they provided a "Transfer of Rental Agreement" addendum form for this exact situation, but it pretty much boils down to exactly what @Orkocean said. I'd be happy to send the addendum form if anyone wants it.
The big thing is that the new person fills out a new rental agreement.
We usually will only do it for family members and not for the "my friend wants to take over the unit at the same rate, because I don't need it anymore"
In that case we just vacate the old tenant, and do a move in with the new one at current rates.
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The correct way to sign over a unit is to go to the company tab, utilities and then access the hidden menu by holding down the shift, ctrl and t keys. There you will find where you can transfer the ledger to the new person.(history is not lost by move out)1
Do you have to do this before you do the actual move out?0 -
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If they are not at an old rate that's too far off market, we get both people in office to each sign the relinquishment of rights form, have new tenant fill out move-in packet and addendums, print out lease form them and switch everything in system.0
In operations under customers-tenants create the new customer. Then you go to the hidden menu and do the ledger transfer. You do not move anybody out.2
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