SBOA Insurance page printing issue

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
I've never run across this issue but now at a site i just took over there is an issue where when we do leases and print the insurance paperwork via the move in screens a majority of the information that involves keywords end up being a solid black bar across the most of that line. We have to go into the payment screen and reprint the insurance information 1st page only to get it to print correctly. I've toyed with the forms, the 1st page only and the full packets first page are identical so I can't fathom why one works and the other doesn't, I would think maybe a printer setting issue if it had the same issue with both forms but that's not the case.
Anyone else ever encountered this and know the issue?
Anyone else ever encountered this and know the issue?
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