Weed spray...and other killing studies
I totally enjoy killing weeds! I have taken over this duty from my landscaping service. I think he goes behind me anyway...LOL
The one thing I dread is the wasp spraying...because they fight back! I recently figured out, if I sit in my car....can at the ready....window cracked enough to emit the stream of death...I can escape most of the dive-bombing!!!
Anyone else have any good ideas?
The one thing I dread is the wasp spraying...because they fight back! I recently figured out, if I sit in my car....can at the ready....window cracked enough to emit the stream of death...I can escape most of the dive-bombing!!!
Anyone else have any good ideas?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I get the sprays that go 25 feet, stand a decent amount away and hope it does it's job. We had one unit so infested with yellow jackets we had to call a guy out suited up and all to handle it though. I used to roll around properties when I was doing audits on a Segway, nothing like seeing me zooming away with 20 angry wasps chasing me down an aisle. Wish I kept that security footage...
For weeds I typically do the vinegar/salt mixture to avoid chemicals.
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I had no idea about the salt/vinegar mix! That's cool. I'm not coordinated enough for a Segway...
...(thinking of deep search on web to find the get away footage) LOLOLOL
Just finished spraying the last of my buildings this morning....sad face...3 -
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Karen - I have TOTALLY sat in my car and sprayed too! Just need to make sure the wind is heading in the right direction.Jean Marie
I-43 Storage2 -
YES! Optimum wind direction is crucial...it could mean bathing and re-applying my face!!2
I love Spring!! All the flowers... All the volunteer baby weeds...thinking they are so pretty I won't spray them....!4
I tried the vinegar salt mix but it didn't work. What ratios are you using to make yours? I think mine was just too weak.0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I have a 4 gallon backpack sprayer I would use. I'd pour 4 gallons of vinegar, and then i'd take one of the round canisters of salt you can buy at Walmart and pour it completely into it then of course the weeds prefer their drink shaken, not stirred5
Cue the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme music!!!! I put on my fedora hat....I placed the small bag of sand where I took the can of liquid death (Raid) off of the shelf ...smiling I begin to back away...but not far enough!
....I only wish a giant rolling stone was after me! Alas, I was attacked....and have the welt to prove it! I will have my revenge!!!! KHAAAAAAN..........ooopsie!(different movie!)
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My experience with the salt/vinegar/dawn mixture (in TX) is that yes, it kills the foliage but does not stop the roots. It will look like I've made great progress with all the dying weeds but 2 days later they are back with a fury! I've been trying it since May and have had to go back to the chemical option.3
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