Attached / Embedded emails
We have noticed something strange happening in the last couple of days - not sure if this is related to the new update.
We send out welcome emails through CRM to new customers, these are embedded text and we select this from the drop down. However the ones we have done in the last couple of days are going out as attached PDFs.
Any idea why? And how do we fix it?
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
The settings for this are in "Setup" ---- "Email" .
You can choose how the letters are sent (embedded in the email body, attached etc..)
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teamcapitola said:
The settings for this are in "Setup" ---- "Email" .
You can choose how the letters are sent (embedded in the email body, attached etc..)
Just checked the default setting - it is already set as 'Form is embedded in the Email body'.
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teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
@Naheed - you got me stumped then. You said it just started happening? I've noticed a few minor "glitches" since the 03/20 update as well; not what you are experiencing, but odd nonetheless.
Try running the live update a few more times... seems to fix any bugs from the update.
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teamcapitola said:
@Naheed - you got me stumped then. You said it just started happening? I've noticed a few minor "glitches" since the 03/20 update as well; not what you are experiencing, but odd nonetheless.
Try running the live update a few more times... seems to fix any bugs from the update.
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