Clients unable to pay online day before due date
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified ✭✭
Just had a customer call who is due on the 24th. They logged into the web side of Sitelink to pay but the client says it's showing a zero balance and no unpaid invoices. We see an unpaid balance and a pending invoice when we pull up the client on our side when we pull up her account.
Have to admit that I would have put this to a general misunderstanding of what they're looking at but it's now happened about a half dozen times since we started the web side payment option.
Just wondering if we missed an option somewhere before I fire off a ticket to support.
Was also wondering about folks who are behind who are unable to pay online. Seems like after 10 days behind, they can no longer make payment via the website. Rather see that at 30 days.
Thank you
Just had a customer call who is due on the 24th. They logged into the web side of Sitelink to pay but the client says it's showing a zero balance and no unpaid invoices. We see an unpaid balance and a pending invoice when we pull up the client on our side when we pull up her account.
Have to admit that I would have put this to a general misunderstanding of what they're looking at but it's now happened about a half dozen times since we started the web side payment option.
Just wondering if we missed an option somewhere before I fire off a ticket to support.
Was also wondering about folks who are behind who are unable to pay online. Seems like after 10 days behind, they can no longer make payment via the website. Rather see that at 30 days.
Thank you
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Well they "can" pay, they just need to know how much to pay. Even with a zero balance customers can go in and make a payment of whatever amount they want to. That's what customers at my old site would do who liked to pay ahead of time.
As far as disabling online payments when past due you would need to go in to corporate control>Website and Web Template Setup and then edit the highlighted section below:
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It is showing $0.00 since the payment isn't actually due yet.
If they scroll down on the web payment page it will give them an option to pay for the next month's rent.0 -
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Its a Sitelink thing. Until the actual due date the online account will show as zero dollars due.
So since technically the "current" month is paid, and the next due date is considered "next months rent"....
Just tell your customer to click on Make Payment, then in the screen select the "pay current month plus this many months" putting "1" month ahead as follows:
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I always click the "Pay current plus next month" because it will put the dollar amount that is owed in the box at the bottom.
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