Losing money upon transfers

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Good morning all.. I was curious if anyone else has ever ran into this issue as i'm thinking it's a coding issue in sitelink. Short story version: tenants were looking at 10x20's, we have 2 across an aisle from each other, they rented one as they will most likely need the 2nd this weekend but aren't sure until the stuff arrives. They were a last minute end of day rental so I made the mistake of rushing and not double checking my work and moved them into the wrong 10x20 unit. No big deal, just transfer them to the correct unit and resign everything, prices are identical so payment should transfer over and nothing should be different right? Wrong
*side bar: we charge full month up front with your 2nd month being your prorate portion which is causing this coding issue I believe*
When the tenant moved in they paid to get them to the end of April so they would be due on May 1st. Upon doing the transfer they are now $76 and change paid IN to May. What I see happening is upon our move in process the system is charging the full month price for the first month BUT if we do a transfer during that first month the system is registering that first month as a prorated portion and sending anything it perceives as extra to a future month versus recognizing there was a full months charge it should get applied to. I know how to fix it on my end as I just go in to the edit charges screen and add the Rent charge back to where it should be to keep the tenant owing the correct amount. I don't know if any other companies do full month up front like we do but my worry is employees that would not notice the issue and end up costing their companies money by not recharging it to the account. Below is a screenshot of the transfer screen, remember they were only paid until the end of April, nothing paid towards May and then look at how it's applying charges. I'm not sure if this can even be fixed but wanted to bring it up.

*side bar: we charge full month up front with your 2nd month being your prorate portion which is causing this coding issue I believe*
When the tenant moved in they paid to get them to the end of April so they would be due on May 1st. Upon doing the transfer they are now $76 and change paid IN to May. What I see happening is upon our move in process the system is charging the full month price for the first month BUT if we do a transfer during that first month the system is registering that first month as a prorated portion and sending anything it perceives as extra to a future month versus recognizing there was a full months charge it should get applied to. I know how to fix it on my end as I just go in to the edit charges screen and add the Rent charge back to where it should be to keep the tenant owing the correct amount. I don't know if any other companies do full month up front like we do but my worry is employees that would not notice the issue and end up costing their companies money by not recharging it to the account. Below is a screenshot of the transfer screen, remember they were only paid until the end of April, nothing paid towards May and then look at how it's applying charges. I'm not sure if this can even be fixed but wanted to bring it up.

skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I'm assuming that when you're in the charges screen during the move in, you are manually setting these charges? So when you do a transfer it won't automatically re-institute what you have set up. We ran a half price special for awhile at one of our locations. Customers could pay half price for any unit for as many months as they paid up front. Since it wasn't a saved special in sitelink, if a transfer needed to happen, it would not apply the rent the same way. It either had to be adjusted as you describe, or undo the move out and move them back in. Otherwise you have to edit charges on their unit to make them whole.0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Morning skinman, it's not a manual. The only manual aspect that was done per that lease was the May 50% off as they were supposed to get 3 months 50% instead of 2.2
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Mornin! Got no answers, sorry....0
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