In case you ever wanted to know how likely it is to see a UFO in your area has published an interactive map with these answers and more, plus...
Did You Know?
-You are most likely to see a UFO in Wyoming, where you odds are +20500.
-Maryland is the state with the lowest odds of spotting a UFO - just +169200.
-Over 40,000 Americans have taken out alien abduction insurance....
"Spring and summer are typically the most common seasons for seeing a UFO. This could also be because people are outdoors more, looking up at the sky." which makes sense I guess...thoughts anyone?
Seeing a U.F.O.: What are your odds?
Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Ooohhhh.... Wonder if they have a "seeing a ghost" odds one as well.2
Omigosh!!! Alien abduction insurance??!! Shaking my head and drinking my coffee....(grumbling about aliens as i go pull out my tin foil fedora)4
LOL.. that is so funny, I will be laughing the whole day. We have a cell tower on our property, so we understand the benefits of foil1
Sounds very funny. Imagine how rich they will become in case of success My friend Derrick considered buying one. Canadians.....0
I saw a UFO in Wickenburg AZ.... Coolest thing ever!!
1 -
weedpuller1 said:LOL.. that is so funny, I will be laughing the whole day. We have a cell tower on our property, so we understand the benefits of foil0
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