Place a sign at new site informing where office is located. We kept same size "model" units at original office site. It gave customers an idea of what could fit inside units and to complete the lease. Then would have customer follow us in golf cart/personal car to new site and remove our overlock and show them how to properly place theirs on the unit and how to access the gates. Hope this helps!0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
How far away is your expansion? My previous site had 4 locations up and down a road with the office on the main property. We'd get in our cars and the customers would get in their car and follow up to the specific location we would need to show them, go over everything and if they wanted the unit go back to the office and do the paperwork. Model units can become an issue if your quality of construction varies between the two. Our 4 properties were drastically different and priced as such so I would not show a 10x10 on property 1 if I was renting them a 10x10 on property 2 as it was a big difference in the quality of unit they were getting.
We also have another location where they have one satellite lot 1 block away and they do the same thing. They also run a boat storage property out of that office which is 40 minutes away without traffic. People either rent online or drive to the office to do their paperwork.
Don't forget you can also use the sitelink myhub via your phone or a tablet and do the lease while at the new property if it's so far they don't want to drive back to the current office.
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i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We have a guy in town that owns 6 storage unit properties all over town. He has ONE office and anybody who wants to rent a unit, regardless of location, goes to that office (which is located across the border in another STATE). It's crazy.Jean Marie
I-43 Storage2 -
Thanks for all your comments. we are opening July 1st.2
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