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I've noticed a trend. The hotter it gets in Texas, the more dangerous the packing/unpacking. It seems lately that boxes and totes are haphazardly tossed around like so much fluff by the wind. They throw items into the stacking. Then, when they come to find something in their unit, that has no rhyme or reason to it, they become angry and curse very loudly. Normally, at this time, I will offer water or poke my head out the front door and inquire if they are alright.
Anyone else have trends/observations on property?? Does this only happen in Texas?
Anyone else have trends/observations on property?? Does this only happen in Texas?
Its been witnessed here on several occasions. Both items going into units and into vehicles. In fact, we had a tenant today that was pulling things out of their unit. First, items were piled up in haphazard fashion on to the concrete around the car. Then literally thrown into the car. I get the overwhelming feeling that for many there isn't much respect for their 'stuff.' And when it's hot, even less. But we're in Texas too, so I don't know what it is like else where.0
Bit late to the party here, but it happens when it's super cold too (at least here in Missouri.) Sometimes it looks like one of those "Taken just before disaster" pictures1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭For my years in Texas I only noticed it happening with the "lower end" clientele. Typically the ones who are having to get out of an apt or house by a set date and just need somewhere to put their stuff. Otherwise I typically saw those that were pretty meticulous with how things went in. Even had one who had every single box in a 10x20 numbered and the contents in an excel spread sheet.1
@Orkocean Never had anyone with a spreadsheet, but we had a guy who would do a full inventory of his unit once a week. Most meticulous person I have ever seen.0
We need an "OHMyGosh" button here!0
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