Team Building
Registered User ✭✭✭
Hi All! Just curious if anyone out there is active in team building, and if so, what do you do to inspire that sense of team. We are looking for the nitty-gritty on how to turn a multistore organization into a team that communicates well together, assists each other reaching their goals, and supports each other through the ups and downs. So, please let us know what you do.
Do you have frequent meetings? How frequently and are they face-to-face, conference calls, video calls?
Do you try to set individual and company goals? If so, what types of goals do you set.
Do you have friendly competition between sister stores? What categories do you compete in?
Do you send company or district emails letting everyone know what a great day you're having and ask them to chime in with how their day has been?
Or do you do something completely different? Also, if you've tried something that did not go well, we would like to hear that, too.
Thanks for you input and Go Team!
Do you have frequent meetings? How frequently and are they face-to-face, conference calls, video calls?
Do you try to set individual and company goals? If so, what types of goals do you set.
Do you have friendly competition between sister stores? What categories do you compete in?
Do you send company or district emails letting everyone know what a great day you're having and ask them to chime in with how their day has been?
Or do you do something completely different? Also, if you've tried something that did not go well, we would like to hear that, too.
Thanks for you input and Go Team!
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Sorry - I'm a team of one.
Jean Marie
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