How do you handle gate remotes in Sitelink
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I am curious as to how others might be handling gate remotes in Sitelink. The scenario is a remote gate opener given to a client. Do you take a deposit, and if so how do you take it? How do you keep track in Sitelink that the customer has the remote?
I can't answer that because we do not give out remote gate openers but I am interested in what others might have to say. Customers have their own code and that way we can see when they coded in and when they coded out, if they used the remote we would have no way to track who was here and when if a problem arose.3
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I do not recommend ever allowing this for the reasons already stated. It takes 3 seconds or less to enter a code. Just my opinion.1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭So I only have experience with one system which I hated for the reasons stated above, no tracking of who's coming and going. There are systems out there though that I would LOVE to have but just isn't a true need for it. These other systems do track who's coming and going, some can access the gate via their phone to avoid getting out. If it's a trackable option i'd be up for it if my facility had the valid need for it, untrackable is a hard pass.
Skinman, typically yes.. 3 seconds or less to enter a code BUT, have you ever ran a facility with tons of RV's? Someone has to exit the vehicle, go around, type code then get back in. Add a rainstorm to this and it's very inconvenient. I personally hate typing codes when it's raining and having to roll my window down getting everything in car soaked. I've always had the lazy customers ask for this feature which I don't see a point to add but if it's a facility with a ton of RV's it could be a very appreciated feature customers would pay extra for.2 -
skinman Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I definitely see what your saying regarding RV's. I looked at some info on the new Janus system they have where your gate and unit lock can be controlled by a smartphone. really cool product, and certainly an upgrade to this century for storage facilities. We have 5 locations and over 1600 units, so on some locations I can see where it would be a benefit. You make a great point with a large RV complex as well though.
I guess I would say for the standard small operator I'd be against it unless it's trackable.0
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