StorageForum users are continuing to get SiteLink Certified in our free, online, self-paced Training and Development program.
**Congratulations to all users who passed courses in July**
We can now include the VERY FIRST forum users certified in our BRAND NEW SiteLink myHub module, just launched. Great job!
(If you missed the big news about this 4th module launch, read What is SiteLink myHub and How do I Get Started? Take the New Course Today! for all the details.)
Forum users certified July 2018 in myHub:

@i43storage, @John_Dennett, @Orkocean, @skinman
Forum users certified July 2018 in Daily Operations:

@87ambie, @Adam_Frey, @Alicia_Vollmer, @April_Brucker, @Cynthia_Vorp, @Hunter_Nicholson, @Jacqueline_Moye, @Lori_Hcke, @Lynn_Henry, @Maria_Lipp, @Martel_Graggs, @Martha_Millard, @McKenzie_Draper, @mculbertson, @osbourne615, @Rachel_Cobb, @Roberta_Kitson, @Santos_Garcia, @Sherry_Sikes, @Tina_Burke