SiteLink's Amird Caballero named YLG Senate member
Congratulations to Amird Caballero, Sales Executive at SiteLink!
Amird was just named one of the Self Storage Association's 3 new 2019 Young Leaders Group Senate Members. The Young Leaders Group (YLG) is made up of SSA direct members (age 40 and under) interested in making a career in self storage. According to an email announcement from the group, YLG Senators will help map out the YLG program, participate in task forces such as Communications and Sponsorship, and much more.
"I'm very excited to be a new YLG Senator," said Caballero. "It's a great opportunity to help create a partnership among all members." According to his YLG profile, Amird hopes to develop more awareness of the YLG in international markets, urge them to become members and possibly host some educational sessions in Spanish.
YLG Senators serve a 2-year term beginning January 1, 2019.
Way to go Amird!
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