Changing reservation tenant after reservation fee is paid
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Hello, I made this account to ask this specific question.
I have a reservation that has been made by a customer who is also an existing tenant. Is there a way to change the individual that the reservation is made under after it is made? In other words, to edit the reservation into the existing tenant's name?
I go into [Customer] and can see the new reservation and see my existing tenant but I can't see a way to change the person / merge the two.
It would be rather useful to be able to do this. At present I essentially ignore the reservation and move in the tenant on their existing account, manually credit the reservation fee and then delete the reservation.
I have a reservation that has been made by a customer who is also an existing tenant. Is there a way to change the individual that the reservation is made under after it is made? In other words, to edit the reservation into the existing tenant's name?
I go into [Customer] and can see the new reservation and see my existing tenant but I can't see a way to change the person / merge the two.
It would be rather useful to be able to do this. At present I essentially ignore the reservation and move in the tenant on their existing account, manually credit the reservation fee and then delete the reservation.
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Welcome to the forums @matt_w - So anytime you want to merge or even unmerge accounts in sitelink there is a hidden button feature you can process that under. Goto Company>Utilities> While that window is popped up press all of these together Control-Shift-T That will bring up a new button you can click. On that window you click a name on the left side which you want to merge with a name on the right side. Once you merge any info the left side tenant had will be overwritten by the customers info on the right.1
I saw that on another thread, however that wouldn't work for me. The current tenant shows on the left. On the right the current tenant and reservation tenant shows up. I don't want to make the current one disappear0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Doh my apologies. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet, I was thinking of it as you already moved the person in and needed to merge them. I'm assuming this was just a misstep as whoever entered the reservation did not realize they were an existing tenant? When adding reservations you can look up existing tenants to click on their name to make it tied to the other unit if you did not know that. As far as fixing the current one you need corrected I don't know of a way off the top of my head as i've never had to bother. Anywhere I've worked we never bothered with reservation fee's so always just proceeded and merge them afterwards or create a new one with the existing customers info so they were linked.1
We encourage new customers and existing tenants to reserve when they need a second unit- Our work around is the above step - We basically use the reservation for existing to hold it and move in under the existing tenant, deleting the reservation and manually crediting the reservation fee. The customer is the one making the reservation. Although, we have done it on our end and made the correction, as you say.
We found making the reservation fee a part of it encourages people to come in and actually rent it. We've lost too much revenue with wishy washy 'Eh, well, I Might Need It' and then end up turning people away at the door to hold as a just in case.1 -
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Understandable if you're a high occupied facility, but on the flip side if you're that full maybe it's time to raise some prices We've always done reservations as 7 or 14 days depending on how full the place is. Typically you can tell the wishy washy vs the actual customers who will need the space. We always offer the pre-lease option so they lock in the unit, get the paperwork out of the way and have it start when they need it to in the near future so they're not paying for it earlier than needed.1
If it is before you move a customer into the unit, open your lead to lease, click on the customer section on the left, then do a search for the customer in the search section. Highlight the correct one (current tenant will have "X") and double click. Waalaa!1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I actually tried that with some test entries before responding to see if that would do it. It ended up creating an additional lead and not re-doing the original for me so if they have a paid reservation fee it wouldn't get transferred.0
If you pull up the original reservation and open it, then use the customer tab to edit the customer info, it should keep all of the other info, unit # and res Fee.1
Ok... boo, I just tried it with one that had paid fee0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Was just fixing to say have you tried it on your end yet?0
It is frustrating, if I could just do that it would take out a lot of extra leg work. Not to mention, we have a lot of 'not-tenants' from expired/cancelled reservations that don't have units associated with them and we can't delete them0
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