Reservation comments - populate to notes please?
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Has anyone ever noticed when someone makes a reservation via your website and puts any comments in that they do not populate to the notes or anywhere other than the lead to lease main screen? Would be nice if it would populate into the notes for that customer as I could see some staff overlooking the comment section of the main screen. Example of how it currently looks below, I have been unable to find the comment listed anywhere else.
it goes into schedule in the notes section for me0
@Orkocean It populates into the schedule section for me, but I usually have to force it to populate. I've noticed that when third parties like websites or companies like XPS do the reservation/Lead, the info doesn't populate unless you make it. I've gotten it to do so by editing and saving the customer info. For some reason this will automatically populate the comments into the schedule side for me.0
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