SMS Resources, LLC

SMSResourcesLLC Moderator ✭

Text messaging allows you to reach your tenants immediately. They almost always have their phone within reach and will read a text message in a heartbeat, even if they don’t answer your call, listen to your voice mail, read your e-mail or open up that window envelope. Each message costs just pennies and reduces the expense, planning, logistics and staff hours devoted to mailings and phone campaigns you might otherwise use in you effort to reach your customers.
Need ya to contact me!!! I want to sign up. Keep getting put on hold then move to message. Please contact me at: generalmanager@wilsonministorage.com0
@GMWilsonMS Not sure the number you're calling but I usually email or call Gene. gene.klemens@smsgatewayresources.com
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i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Ya, I get through on Gene's cell phone all the time. I think the company consists of him and his wife.Jean Marie
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