Card Payment Duplicated
Registered User ✭✭✭
While processing a card payment today it froze or locked up. Finally a box said the payment wasn't processed. I processed the card again successfully. Customer called after checking their account and said the payment had been taken out twice. I logged on to the virtual terminal but could't find a report for the transactions today. Sage Virtual Terminal was easy to use and showed current transactions. Now it is Paya my Virtual Reports. Any suggestions?
Check unsettled transactions. I'm not sure what Sage is like, but that's were I find mine. Otherwise you would have to refund the amount on the next day. When I find in unsettled, I can just void one of the payments.0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If they both happened today, the first one may show on their end as a "pending" charge and temporarily show the money taken out until the cards are reconciled for the day. Just a thought.2
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