Online Move Ins - Require Autopay?
Registered User ✭
We use SiteLink's online move in option so our tenants can move in themselves. Is there no way to require autopayments?
We are now having tenants move in, pay for their first month, and they have no card on file. So we have to call each individual move in to get their card on file. Is this a possible glitch? Or is there really no way to require automatic payments.
Thanks in advance!
We use SiteLink's online move in option so our tenants can move in themselves. Is there no way to require autopayments?
We are now having tenants move in, pay for their first month, and they have no card on file. So we have to call each individual move in to get their card on file. Is this a possible glitch? Or is there really no way to require automatic payments.
Thanks in advance!
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We do not use the online move-in option, so I do not know the answer to your question; however, I thought I remembered reading you could require automatic payments. It was perhaps a simple check in a box in your setup?
Jean Marie
I-43 Storage0 -
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭There is a setting somewhere. With a previous company we required them to set up autopay and purchase a lock to complete an online rental. If you're curious, the lock was kept in specific units we labeled as "online ready" with 2 bottles of water and a thank you card.0
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