Military Tenant Identifier
Registered User ✭✭
I have seen in sitelink a report that shows whether we have marked someone as active military or not. Of course, now that I need to pull it I can't find the right one.
We don't have a check box or anything to identify someone at move in, but we do give a rent discount on move in (and put in the reason as Active Military).
Has anyone else encountered this?
There isn't a place to mark someone as military but I have seen it flag up on a report or two. If anyone can remember which report it is, I'd be very grateful
We don't have a check box or anything to identify someone at move in, but we do give a rent discount on move in (and put in the reason as Active Military).
Has anyone else encountered this?
There isn't a place to mark someone as military but I have seen it flag up on a report or two. If anyone can remember which report it is, I'd be very grateful

Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Off the top of my head I would say pull the Discount report and look for units with the military discount named.0
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