Corp Control - Scheduled Reports

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
Just curious if it's just me that's having issues lately or has anyone else who has automated reports schedule in Corp Control no longer receiving them? They were working fine then suddenly a few days ago they quit coming in. I've double checked all the settings and nothing is changed which i'm the only one who accesses that section in our company so a change would of had to be done by me anyways.
Also does anyone still have the invoice/autopay automated option? I know it was in beta and we were using it without issues here but I can not find that setting anymore for some reason. Seems ever since the time change it has no longer been working for us.
Also does anyone still have the invoice/autopay automated option? I know it was in beta and we were using it without issues here but I can not find that setting anymore for some reason. Seems ever since the time change it has no longer been working for us.
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