Donating a Storage Unit to a 501c3 Charity

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We are looking in to offering one of our storage units to a 501c3 Charity.
Is there a way to set that up in Site link as a Charitable Donation?
Can I generate a report at the end of the year for taxes showing the Donated amount?
Is there a way to set that up in Site link as a Charitable Donation?
Can I generate a report at the end of the year for taxes showing the Donated amount?
Best Answers
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We donate units to charity frequently. Unfortunately, the IRS does not view that as a charitable donation as no actual money is changing hands. You cannot deduct services or use of property. If there were any expenses incurred to rent it out for free, say you gave them a free lock, you can deduct that.Of course, please check with your local CPA.Jean Marie
I-43 Storage5 -
We have researched every possible scenario and haven't come up with a way to deduct it. We do ask for promotion or marketing in exchange for storage.
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