Ontario, Canada Lien Laws in question
Hello, there have been some changes in the last few yeas to the laws in Ontario Canada. We are having some debate between our offices regarding the exact timing of issuing a Lien to a tenant in default as well as legally being able to seize the unit.
Can anyone provide insight? The Repair and Storage Lien Act in Ontario is full of grey areas it seems.
As a Storage Facility, we are issuing a past due at 7 days, and locking them out, then issuing a Pre Lien notice at 35 days, Lien notice at 45 days and giving them 27 days to respond. As a result that allows us to seize a unit at 72 days past due.
Is anyone else running on a different time frame?
Can anyone provide insight? The Repair and Storage Lien Act in Ontario is full of grey areas it seems.
As a Storage Facility, we are issuing a past due at 7 days, and locking them out, then issuing a Pre Lien notice at 35 days, Lien notice at 45 days and giving them 27 days to respond. As a result that allows us to seize a unit at 72 days past due.
Is anyone else running on a different time frame?
@SJC We're in the states so I don't think I'd be much help, but over here we issue a past due at 5 days, and lock them out, a Pre Lien notice at 35 days, Lien notice at 45 days and officially auction the unit at 81 days. So I think most of us are fairly similar in that respect.0
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