Skagit Self Storage
Registered User, Daily Operations Certified ✭
We are a new business, can someone please tell me how you do your Past Due Calls? How often do you call? We are in Washington State. Thank You for you help.
Welcome! I am in Texas. We go by anniversary date so my calls are spread out over the month. I call 3rd day past due before locked out at gate; then again on 6th day before late fees; then at least twice more during month. In between they are getting 2-3 late notice emails - if I can't reach them and just leave messages I will send a text message between 6-8 days late. Get better response from texts. After awhile you will know who pays just before the late fees hit and who you know just by voice cause you call them so much. Though, we do not have many past dues.0
Hi Pat! thank you! Ya we are by anniversary aswell, that sounds good. We send late notices aswell via email and regular mail. We are calling acouple times a week to. We have Past Dues already know our "regulars" haha.0
teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
In California we have a 10 day grace period.
We email a "Friendly Rent Reminder" on Day 5
Call on day 7
Call on Day 9
Email/mail Past Due Letter on Day 12
We've kept our delinquency right at or lower than 2% for the past 7 years.
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