Utilizing LTL for the next available unit
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We are trying to get rid of our old hand written reservation sheets and want to transition fully to using LTL but we can't figure out the best way to list a possible tenant who wants the next unit available. For instance, if we don't have any 10x10s available but have someone who wants one as soon as one is available how do we list that? LTL makes you pick a specific unit for the reservation but we would want to select any unit that size. Has anybody else figured our a solution to this? It seems the middle ground approach of still using the old hand written list for 'ASAPs' is the only way to go.
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭As of now, unfortunately, that is the only way to reserve a unit. We have been asking for an update to change this, but have been out of luck so far. Only thing I can suggest is when you make the reservation, in the notes section, put they are looking for any 10X10CC, etc. It doesn't prompt you when they are available, but that will get your team checking and following up with LTL more often. We also go by our signed vacate notices. I assign the units based on the next to move out.2
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We just add a note that they want the next 10x10 (or whatever size) so we see it in the list. We know here that the list is for anything larger than 6x9, so whenever one is coming available, we check the list, sorted by date. It's pretty easy to stay on top of if you check regularly.0
MamaDuke7 said:We just add a note that they want the next 10x10 (or whatever size) so we see it in the list. We know here that the list is for anything larger than 6x9, so whenever one is coming available, we check the list, sorted by date. It's pretty easy to stay on top of if you check regularly.If I know a certain unit is coming open I will put in Unit Notes (at top) to check L2L name etc.
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L2L isn't set up to function as a Waiting List. I miss that!!
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i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭JulieAton said:L2L isn't set up to function as a Waiting List. I miss that!!Jean Marie
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