ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭It really depends on the area you're in, what amenities you offer, etc. Tell us a little about yourself and maybe someone with the same amenities and location can better help you. I see you are in Texas, as am I. Which part?0
I am located in Ellis County, our facility amenities is that we are Fully climate controlled, great range in unit sizes from 5x5-10x35 available, access garage doors for move in, doors located around building for move in to different areas 6 wheel carts, baskets, and dollies for use while at facility, Office open 7 days a week 24 hour access for tenants, charity Storage drop-off point, moving supplies available at location,Uhaul equipment for rent at property.
Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas1 -
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Sounds like a nice facility, looks like it too. I googled it lol. I am in Brazoria county, right outside of Harris County. I couldn't tell from the Google photos, but are you guys gated and do you have security cameras? That's a great selling point as well when describing your amenities. Our prices might not be the same range, but the most popular units here, 10X10 climate control, go for average $135. That is also what we charge. When we do our monthly price comparisons, we mostly google the facilities near us that actually compare to us and log that. If there is other facilities (like us) that do not offer our prices online, we have be able to email with them to exchange prices.0
We do have security cameras, as well as a gated parking lot. our 10x10 go for 115. We actually go way low on the prices, and sell a lot more units. We do a price rate change every 10 months. We just built this facility, its very clean and secure people love it here.Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas3 -
What's your facility called?Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas0 -
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Pricing can be different 3 miles apart in the same city. It's all relative to the area, type of clientele/demographics, quality of the site, how over saturated the area is among numerous other factors. Best thing to do if you're looking for numbers to compare yourself against is to google yourself, then on the "search nearby" button type in storage and start working your way out from closest to however far you want to go. I make an excel spreadsheet of all the competitors for every site I deal with and hyperlink to their page with pricing so every time I want to update the comp report I can just open and click the link to go right to their pricing. Most individual/small owner sites are pretty lax in updating pricing so you'll notice their prices never change, bigger operators stay on top of things and update regularly to match the seasons, supply and demand etc..1
Wow your facility is nice, I like how the pathway is uphill almost to let the water drain out, and not flood the units.
Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas1 -
Did ya'll go to the TSSA conference last week?
Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas0 -
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Cnash3245 said:Wow your facility is nice, I like how the pathway is uphill almost to let the water drain out, and not flood the units.0
What's the other self storage chat?
Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas0 -
It was a great conference, I got a lot of information on a lot of things!
Colton Nash, Manager at Ideal Self Storage Ennis Texas0
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