anybody else located in the last frontier?
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Nope but I have wondered but never enough to look into it. Is storage pretty a pretty common thing up there? Always wanted to visit.0
Hey, @JEFFRY! I lived in AK for 20 yrs. I loved it! Miss it, too. Anchorage isn't really Alaska, just another big city with big city problems. Hope you get to take drives to the smaller towns and hike in the wilderness. Be sure to take the ferry for fun to anywhere! Now That's Alaska! The people are way different. I was on an island and we all have to support each other. Not much crime cuz criminal has no where to go! Everyone knows everyone. I hate being back in the lower 48 in this rat race! Fortunately, my husband and I go camping and take trips thru the countryside and other states quite often.
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@AKKathie nice! i try to go camping for the 4th every year to different parts of the state, and you are absolutely right, the people in the smaller towns are so much nicer and upfront, anchorage is not too bad though, at least compared to new york and some others cities. this year i want to go to the faibanks area to visit chena hotspring!0
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