OpenTech Kiosk, Anyone ever sell one?
Registered User ✭
Hello All,
My first post on the storage forum so forgive me if I am uploading in the wrong area. Quick and random question has anyone sold their Insomniac Kiosk machine. We have a 800 machine that we don't really need anymore for our customers. Was wondering has anyone ever tried to sell one, i know brand new it was $17k, not that it's worth that anymore. Appreciate any help, thank you in advance.
My first post on the storage forum so forgive me if I am uploading in the wrong area. Quick and random question has anyone sold their Insomniac Kiosk machine. We have a 800 machine that we don't really need anymore for our customers. Was wondering has anyone ever tried to sell one, i know brand new it was $17k, not that it's worth that anymore. Appreciate any help, thank you in advance.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I know that we bought ours used a few years ago, so people definitely sell them. I also periodically see them listed for sale on the Self Storage Talk message boards.0
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