College Kids and Virus

Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭
We are a college town and have been getting calls all morning for units ASAP. Anyone else getting hit with this "blessing?"
Jean Marie
I-43 Storage
I-43 Storage
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Not something that goes on at my current location, prior spots i've ran I can only imagine how many they're getting hit with. It's just dead here all month long. I saw on linkedin last week where some people were advising facilities to start their usual "college" pricing as it was to be expected to hit.-1
We are getting them early this year here in AL. We usually get them toward the end of April/May when they're heading home for summer. Since being forced out of their dorms early due to coronavirus they are all struggling to find somewhere to store their stuff until they go back. They tend to wipe us out of 5x10's, I know my location and our sister location have sold out of all our smaller and middle-sized units. We try to get a group of them to go in together on a bigger unit when this happens so they can split the cost. If they can't we send them down the road to our 3rd smaller location that still has those available. On the plus side, I've noticed they do tend to pay on time or have their parents set up on auto-pay. Which is great for us!3
Yeah we have seen a lot of these from DU. We are in the Denver metro area. We are also aiming some advertising on Facebook for college students.0
Our units rarely have an opening which is also a blessing but no I have not had an influx of calls yet. Thinking about building a 4th location so we have more available!0
We have had the influx this past week also. Rented a few units before we were informed by the county that one of the UC students was quarantined. UGH! Luckily, we were limited on units to rent. We usually accommodate a handful in April/May but doesn't look like I'll have to do that this year.0
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