How to find total of Autopay and ACH tenants
Registered User ✭✭✭
Other than sorting and manually counting our tenants who are on auto-pay or ACH payments is there an automatic way to arrive at these totals and thereby determine who is not on either? During this stay-at-home directive in Florida we are increasing our call campaign to get more tenants signed up. Thanks and Stay Safe!
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I have tried this before and the best idea I continue to fall back on is running a Credit Card Roll report by Unit (we do not use ACH - but I am assuming you'd run that report too). This does not show, however, those people who have a password and may be going online to pay. So, that involves running the Internet Access Roll.If you find a better solution, I'd love to know about it.Jean Marie
I-43 Storage0 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If you're just looking for the number enrolled in each, it is shown on the bottom right on the Management Summary.0
Tried this on our smaller facility (302 tenants):
1. Sorted Tenants list by "Credit Card" column.
2. Selected "Print" then "Export" to Excel.
3. Once in Excel spreadsheet deleted all tenants with credit card and ACH entries.
4. Sorted remaining tenants by unit number and printed spreadsheet to be used as record for making calls.
Trying it out now.0
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