Does Anyone Get Leads from Posting on Craigslist?
Registered User ✭✭✭
How about the old-fashioned bulletin board? I still sometimes see them in coffee shops, pizza places, etc. I've seen lots of ads and business cards on them.2
Climateguard Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭I use the old-fashioned bulletin boards at colleges, deli's, and anywhere they are available. They still bring in the customers!
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I do both. I get leads from not only craigslist but also Yelp!1
I have used craigslist off and on. Very few of our renters come from there. It's free advertising but our storage prospects don't usually go to CL when they're looking.
They've got Google and Siri to help them now.
William McBride2 -
I have been the Manager here for three years, and I can remember only one customer that said they saw us on Craig's List. Google is by far the ave in which we get customers. Tired of wasting my time because some Guru says I should do this!!!!!1
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Craigslist is more about the area you're in than anything else. I've overseen some sites where in one state we'll have maybe 1-2 rentals a month come from 10+ craigslist posts per day and another site in a different state have over 30 rentals a month from craigslist. Even if you don't know they're coming from craigslist, unless you have a call tracker with a number specific to your craigslist ads to know the calls are coming from that source you may have some coming in and just not realize it. Here in a small college town i've literally had a person come in with a print out of the craigslist ad just last month.
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I am in CA and craigslist works very well for us. I do about 30-40 listings at a time and every time I renew (every 3 days) I seem to get a call. Also its FREE and cant hurt. Good luck2
How about Angie's List?0
I have not received any leads from Craigslist yet, but Facebook i get plenty of people inquiring.0
Because our business has been around for over 30 years and we are a "mom and pop" sort of business the way we run things here. We don't get any leads from when we post on Craigslist or Facebook. Its all mostly from Driving by or Word of Mouth. Occasionally people will say they found us on Google or our Website5
blakekhall Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified ✭✭✭I've done well with Craigslist over the years for getting the small business guy who is just starting a business or is just considering leaving the home office and wants to consider self-storage. I also use it for the "crazy deal" type thing that lasts a short time and is dirt cheap rate...1
I worked for a very professional storage company and we tried everything to get business from direct mail to Home Shows. I personally went door to door to every business in my neighborhood - with gifts and introductions. Results = ZERO. It was mostly drive bys, signage and curb appeal. On the internet it was Google.2
^ totally agree SanSaba. Made me realize the value of street traffic, curb appeal and web presence. Couldn't buy a rental from chamber of commerce activities, flyer distribution, local business introductions, etc. Did nothing.
In any case I do use CL for advertising...even though it does next to nothing..if it's free it can not hurt.1 -
Craigslist works well for us with our big 12x42 units they do not come available a lot but when they do we advertise on Craigslist and we usually have them rented within the day1
I started at a facility in MA a few months ago and we seem to get lots of traffic from craigslist. We post 10 ads per day, and people really see them.0
Orkocean Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭10 ads per day.. reminds me of USSC policy... oh how I don't miss the days of auditing 22 sites to ensure they do theirs lol1
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