Regarding online move ins, how are the locks distributed?
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We have our system ready to accept online move ins, however i am not sure how to get the lock to the tenant without having any contact. How are others handling this?
Best Answer
Atlasstorage said:Thank you, I am trying to find a method where the tenant can actually move in after hours.I have a couple of hiding places that I keep a few locks stashed.5
This is how we have been handling this: We have been going and placing a lock and copy of lease inside the unit.0
Thank you, I am trying to find a method where the tenant can actually move in after hours.
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭If you keep a lock in the vacant units, then it'll be there when they rent and get access to the property.0
Ive thought about that, however then you have to leave unlocked units...
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Davincilocks .com is a great product for this purpose. That's what we use for our vacant units. We don't have all available units online, just 1 or 2 of each size (usually 20-25 total). It integrates with Sitelink, and once they rent, they can go to the website and get the code to unlock the lock!2
I will check them out - Thank you so much!
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I have just solved my problem for that exact same issue. I purchased two lock boxes from amazon and secured them to my railing. These boxes are similar to what realtors used to use when they left a key for the home. So the tenant selects the size they want, we do the paperwork via email, and take payment etc. I then send a separate email with the box number and combination. The new tenant can come and take the two keys out at their convenience. They will already have received the email stating their gate code etc. I have two boxes as I am using the second one to rent out my truck. I just rented out a unit and truck for this weekend, and no one had any physical contact. I wish I had thought of these lock boxes sooner. It has given me more freedom to run my business and to not have staff waiting at an empty office.0
87ambie Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭We are a little lower tech here. We give the tenant the option to purchase a combination lock at rental if they intend to move in outside of office hours (charging the cost of the lock to the CC saved to the account). We set the lock and leave the packaging and reprogramming key inside the locker so that they can change the combo after their first visit. That way the tenant gets a contact free rental and are able to get the lock as well. This is a great way to get merch sales at time of rental as well; just have the tenant confirm everything they want charged to their card by email and place inside the new rental.0
We've been doing a lot of the leases over the phone and leaving contract, lock and paperwork inside units. Once they pay their gate code is active and they can retrieve paperwork out of unit and fill out and leave in drop box by door. We may be opening our doors though next month again and this could be around time cases start to spike again with more people traveling but right now we are low in our county. Under 10 active cases right now. But people not wearing masks much anymore and going out more and starting travels for summer. We don't seem to have a problem leaving some units unlocked with paperwork inside. So far working well.1
Karen we have been doing the same for people who do not have email to complete online rentals.
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