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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Made of up to 90 percent post-consumer content, this also makes U-Haul boxes the best choice for the cost-conscious and recycle-conscious consumer.
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Thank You MamaDuke, that is a good selling point.Adam Kangas1
U-haul boxes are the sturdy ones, right? I haven't used it but I have been told that they are made from some products which were already used by the consumers and they can be reused.1
Yes, U- Haul ones have a picture of a u haul truck on them. A customer can buy 20 or so and return unused ones for money back.Adam Kangas0
Yes, The U-Haul boxes is made up of recycled material
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The primary goal for U-Haul is to reuse and recycle as much material as feasible.
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