eDocuments Insurance 410 Gone error
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My customers have been struggling with completing & returning the Mini Co Tenant Responsibility Addendum document. It was either initial to take out coverage or initial to accept full responsibility. They either initial both or none. Even when I spell out to select only one. Or not completing it at all. So I decided to create a document for those declining coverage so it isn't either or. I did a test to email to myself. When I click on the link I get an error that says 410 Gone. Same with copy & paste into browser. The 410 Gone error page has a place to click that says return home. That goes to a Log In page that says SiteLink My Hub with log ins for Web Edition & Corporate Control Center. I have a call into support.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭That error happens when the document is created but then the rental isn't completed. (Though, I'm sure it occurs at other times, too!)0
I did it through Letters on the payment screen on a company unit that has my email. I just tried it from another unit that I did a test move in on with eSign lease. Doubt I ever completed the lease. And that worked. Does that mean we can't send eSign Documents (Insurance for example) for tenants that didn't have eSign Rental Agreement?
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MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭JulieAton said:Does that mean we can't send eSign Documents (Insurance for example) for tenants that didn't have eSign Rental Agreement?0
MamaDuke7 said:JulieAton said:Does that mean we can't send eSign Documents (Insurance for example) for tenants that didn't have eSign Rental Agreement?
It is a long time company unit.
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