Registered Emails
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Part of a Lien Law 101 webinar recently attended mentioned that in order for emails, sent to notify tenants regarding lien notices and auctions, to be valid in court they must be opened and read by the recipient. I know in Outlook and Gmail there is a “read receipt requested” function, but there are probably ways to get around that function. Heard there was a registered send/read email capability offered by a company called Has anyone used it or is there something else out there that works better?
We have used RPost for a year now. We get an email when it gets delivered to their email. We send it as "Marked Certified" and another "Unmarked" we will get an email also when they open the email. They do not have to click anything, with outlook, the tenant would have to click the read receipt for you to know.0
That's why we send out lien notices via certified mail. It is well worth the $8!0
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭GSI03 said:That's why we send out lien notices via certified mail. It is well worth the $8!0
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