eSign Insurance Enrollment or Decline
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I have been working on my documents since March. Lots of fine tuning. Customers continued to have issues with the MiniCo Enrollment form. Basically you initial one box to accept or the other box to decline. If enrolling you are also required to sign. I finally created two documents. One for enrolling where the decline box initial isn't an option. And another for to decline where the only requirement is to initial decline. This seems to work if I am emailing the document for eSign. But I am still struggling with a document that will work for online rentals. I would like to require enrollment for online rentals but the SL format has None as an option. Has anyone been able to remove the None. Maybe in API? Also with MiniCo we have to fax or email the enrollment forms. Is there a company that is fully integrated with SL? Lots of questions! Thanks
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Automatit was able to make it so that insurance is required with online rentals. They simply have to choose a level and have no option to opt out.0
I don't use them. So it is all up to me. Unless Automatit or Storage Pugs is willing to help me with my fine tuning I am stuck!
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