Online Payment issues - session expires
Registered User ✭
We have accepted online payments for years through our website and the pay side of our website is with the web template through SiteLink - if I am saying that correctly. It is not rare for renters to tell me that they have issues with the website and typically the issue has been they get a message telling them that their session has expired. I would say the issue has usually been with new renters or first time users of the website. I typically ask them what web browser they are using and typically the issue is with them using safari through an iPhone and I ask them to try a different browser and that fixes the issue.
Recently I have had long time renters that have made payments through the website successfully for months tell me that they are having the same issue now - their session expires when they click on their amount due.
Has anyone had this issue and know how to avoid it? Thanks.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭There have been ongoing sporadic issues with payments using Safari for probably about a year now. I just tell them to use a different web browser because SL doesn't seem to have a timeline to get it fixed for good.0
This issue has been an absolute nightmare for us. We began our on-line rentals at the beginning of COVID and strongly encouraged people to rent and/or pay on-line many time with the same error result. Most recently on Sept 1, 2020 our website through StorEdge was completely down. I think it is unrealistic to ask tenants to change browsers. Many have no idea what you are talking about. We are paying for a service that we are not receiving!!4
Now I am told that it is an issue with the cookies settings of the tenant's browsers and that they need to enable cookies. I believe it has been a known issue by SiteLink for some time and has recently become much worse. I can not tell you how frustrated I have been with this - making it easy for our costumers to pay their bill is why we have online payment options and now I have tenants trying multiple times to pay their bill only to be kicked out of the website constantly. That doesn't make tenants happy.
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themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭The cookies issue has been reported to Sitelink before, and it is an issue we see with any browser. It randomly comes and goes. We have been seeing it a lot more lately.
We used to have a workaround, but I just tested it and it no longer works, either.
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i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I have run into these same problems. Very frustrating trying to explain why it won't work for the customer when I am not 100% sure why it isn't working myself.
Jean Marie
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