Special thanks go to @i43storage, @ESS, @MamaDuke7, @GoGreen, @Orkocean, and others who helped elevate the need for better moderation within StorageForum. We’ve heard your concerns, recognize our mistakes, and embrace this an opportunity to better serve you.
To ensure this forum is a productive place for all members, you’ll see our increased efforts come from this handle, @storable-support. This will include the removal of spam posts and we’ll be sure to chime in wherever we can add value, calm nerves, or provide updates.
The best way for you to receive the quickest resolution to any support issue or question will remain via 919-865-0789, Option 2, or Support@sitelink.com.
We are so grateful for your feedback and continued participation here. We promise to ‘do more’ to provide this incredible community with a better forum experience.