Thank You, Self Storage
In a year that many will define by the lows, we choose to celebrate the good — namely, the Self Storage Industry's strength and resilience. No doubt, this is a reflection of the owners and operators who comprise the fabric of it, many of whom we're enormously proud to call our customers.
What has inspired us most is how quickly many of you enacted policies that kept your staff and customers safe, on top of the numerous stories we've heard of operators giving back and supporting their communities in this time of need. You embody the spirit of the season and the very best of our industry. It is in this spirit that Storable has donated to Feeding America to provide 100,000 meals to families in need.
We're incredibly grateful to be a part of the storage community. Thank you for all that you do. We wish you all a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!
The Storable Team
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