Do Not Rent List?
Registered User ✭✭✭
Am I missing something? In sitelink how do we create a do not rent list?
So far the only thing I am seeing is having to look at the notes which creates quite a bit of delay having to look up someone at move in.
Is there a way to change the color of their name in the tenant list for a do not rent?
So far the only thing I am seeing is having to look at the notes which creates quite a bit of delay having to look up someone at move in.
Is there a way to change the color of their name in the tenant list for a do not rent?
sadly there is no way as far as I can tell. what we have been trying to do is once someone moves out or is evicted we write in "DO NOT RENT" in the company and we check the box that says "use company name as the tenant" its not the best solution though because unless you look them up you will not know whether they rented or not. I wish the name could be flagged so that if you start to move them in and use the same first and last name something would pop up saying they might be the renter we evicted. hopefully something can be implemented down the road.2
@storable_support is there a better way to flag a previous tenant? if anyone has a better solution please tag me0
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I add on the address or phone # field DO NOT RENT so I would see it if I was pulling them up.1
I put DNR after their first name.2
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Like @JEFFRY, we put "DO NOT RENT" in the company name. When we do rentals we check previous tenants in that same process so they will show up there. This list/feature is long overdue and most of us have all been asking for it for years.2
i43storage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭We have been asking for something on this topic in Sitelink for quite some time. Any update on that feature @storable_support ?Jean Marie
I-43 Storage0 -
Hello, I just wanted to confirm that this feature request has been recorded. However, I don't have visibility to see whether it's on Product's roadmap for development. Once everyone's back after the holidays, I'll be sure to reinforce it's importance and advocate for this community's needs. ~Amy C.6
@storable_support any update on this feature? In a world where technology is constantly changing and the use of the self serve kiosks (which pulls from programs like Sitelink) having a DNR list incorporated into the storage software would be a very beneficial feature the software provider could offer the Storage Facilities. We are very interested to know if this is in the works for Storable' s Sitelink.
Thanks!!1 -
Hi, @tarab. Unfortunately, no, I don't have an update or potential timing to share with you today. I can tell you, however, that Product is looking into identity-verification services to confirm tenant information during move-in. If we are able to incorporate verification into SiteLink, then having tenant blacklists become more viable and reliable. ~Amy C.
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teamcapitola Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I've written about this before, but we use a simple Excel sheet to list any/all DNR people. We share names, phone #'s, & reasons with several other local facilities. As names are added we email each other & update as we go.
When anyone calls or comes in to rent a simple Cntrl-F brings up a search box (find and replace box), type name or number and they'll show up.
Not flawless or ideal, but it's saved us quite a few times!0 -
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Part of the difficulty, I think, is that the systems many of us use pretty much go by name. So if my father or grandfather gets listed somewhere, now I can't rent anywhere because I have the same name.
We could make sure to check the drivers license, but then they could just bring one from another state and it wont match what we have in our list.
I think this may be partly why Sitelink hasn't been in a hurry to implement a DNR list, and why they are tying it to identity verification.
That said, We would love to have and integrated DNR list here. We currently make copious notes and tag the name in Sitelink so, if we actually look them up, it shows as do not rent.1 -
@storable_support any updates?0
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭JEFFRY said:@storable_support any updates?1
From what I have learned or been told is, this is something Sitelink will never consider.
One main reason is Sitelink is a software management company not an actual storage facility so their top priority is not weeding out bad tenants. It could mess up facilities that are remote/annex with online move ins, for example a customer with a similar name may get flagged in error, there's no fool proof way for sitelink to determine its the same person. Plus people are crafty they would find ways around it, like using their middle name as their first name. Also with the remote locations, all move ins are completed online and they don't have to show or upload photo identification, to be honest at remote/annex location customers could enter Bugs Bunny as their name. Its up to managers at manned facilities to be vigilant. Especially now here in CT, a lot of the big Reit companies are no longer requiring photo ID's (not sure what the heck this is about - seems not smart to me). We are still requiring photo ID's as this is something we are not jumping on board with and still do not offer online move ins (at least for now).
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I just think that if they would put NOTES on the lead to lease screen (and a facility map) we could do the search on the previous customer and see they went to auction or have been noted to not rent. It's such a pain to have to go to a different page to see if we can rent to them or not. I usually have to research this while they are out looking at a unit with my staff. That is time-consuming.1
sonyawiprud said:I just think that if they would put NOTES on the lead to lease screen (and a facility map) we could do the search on the previous customer and see they went to auction or have been noted to not rent. It's such a pain to have to go to a different page to see if we can rent to them or not. I usually have to research this while they are out looking at a unit with my staff. That is time-consuming.3
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