Does anyone have a Parking lease they can share?
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Does any one have a Parking/Vehicle lease you would share? Would greatly appreciate it.
We do not have a separate parking/vehicle lease, here in CT we have them sign the regular rental agreement, along with a vehicle addendum. The Vehicle addendum includes things like, description of vehicle including VIN (in CT all outdoor parking must be registered and insured to be on the property with copies provided to office). We are an LLC company so it also states the value of stored property is raised to a maximum of $30,000, but does not raise the liability limit of the Operator for negligence etc...There is also a spot on there for them to list a secondary vehicle that they may leave in its spot if the primary vehicle is being used. Of course it states things like to vehicle repairs are not allowed on property, no damaged vehicles, flat tires, broken windows or body rot etc. All vehicles must be driven onto our property, we do not allow vehicles to be brought in on a flatbed/towed. When I worked for a REIT storage (yuck - hated it) we also took pics of all four sides of vehicle and uploaded into sitelink.0
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