Online Rental Nightmare!
Registered User ✭✭✭
It is Sunday! Non working day. Happened to log in to my email about 10AM and noticed an online rental from 7:41 am. Sent email requesting required info: Date of Birth, Drivers License Number, Alternate Contact Phone Number, 4 digit gate code. It is Sunday Funday with the Grandkids. Continued to check my email. No response. Outside playing with kids. Phone calls from customer 4:37, her father 4:41,customer twice at 5:21, customer 5:29. SL online reservation call. Checked email again and again. No response to required information. Called customer at 5:38 no answer no voicemail service. called her father alternate contact at 5:41-same. Called customer 6 more times. No answer. Called father again. He answered. In the meantime the customer has rented 4 more units online and paid for them. They also got in the gate - followed someone in and also knew someone else that was a current tenant with a code. NOW on Sunday night I have to cancel the first unit they rented this morning and also cancel three of the other units they rented this afternoon. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR
At least you had fun while playing with your grandkids!1
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Oh boy. I can see that they are going to be a delightful customer from the start.1
I have mentioned this before but the main issue seems to be there isn't a "final step" or notification that you have completed the online rental. The customer has no idea they are done or that it went through. So they try again. I remember last year when I set up the online rentals and did several test rentals. Support says it is a browser issue. Once they even told me that I should instruct my customers to use a different browser. I had a hard time explaining to the tech that they are online rentals and I don't have contact with the customers! The multiple rentals that I have to "move out" mess up my numbers. I know the net rentals are the same-BUT!
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Are online rentals a large portion of your business? Worth the aggravation?
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You are right!!! Some kind of "Process Completed" confirmation would solve the problem.
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My idea is don't get the access code and unit # until they are completely done, and done correctly!0
I'll make sure these feature requests are seen! Thank you for the valuable feedback. ~Amy C.0
storallgsa Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭JulieAton said:It is Sunday! Non working day. Happened to log in to my email about 10AM and noticed an online rental from 7:41 am. Sent email requesting required info: Date of Birth, Drivers License Number, Alternate Contact Phone Number, 4 digit gate code. It is Sunday Funday with the Grandkids. Continued to check my email. No response. Outside playing with kids. Phone calls from customer 4:37, her father 4:41,customer twice at 5:21, customer 5:29. SL online reservation call. Checked email again and again. No response to required information. Called customer at 5:38 no answer no voicemail service. called her father alternate contact at 5:41-same. Called customer 6 more times. No answer. Called father again. He answered. In the meantime the customer has rented 4 more units online and paid for them. They also got in the gate - followed someone in and also knew someone else that was a current tenant with a code. NOW on Sunday night I have to cancel the first unit they rented this morning and also cancel three of the other units they rented this afternoon. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR
This is exactly why we refuse to go 100% automated with the online rentals. We intend to allow people to start their rental online, but they will have to come into the office to finish it. I'm sorry you had that experience ♥
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