Aged Receivables

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Discovered an issue in Sitelink where transfers (any and all) create a receivables trail. Regardless of whether the person is in good standing in their account or has moved out, the previous unit shows them as owing money. This problem was sent to support who of course believed that I was simply doing something wrong. Not the case. Now it is in the black hole of "development" with no contact info and no ETA (already has been over a month) for completion. Anyone else notice this?
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Our regular audits haven't found anything like that, and a quick check couldn't find any transferred or moved out unit owing money that shouldn't be.2
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭Where does the balance owed show up? I've not encountered this issue, either, unless it shows somewhere that I don't normally look!1
The aging shows up in both in the gradient and in the total columns of the Aged Receivables report.
This is but one example. Move out date is last year. The customer owed nothing, but transferred at some point within his stay with us.
Had another one where the customer transferred twice before she was happy with her unit. All in the same 1st hour she was here. She has a trail created with both units she left. Again, that was within the first hour of her stay. 3 total units occupied in the hour. 2 (units she left) now have AR balances.
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I just checked my aged receivables and I only have 2 listed that have a move out date and a balance... both were auction units that had a balance after proceeds were posted. I'm not sure why any other would show up.1
It seems this is specific to transfers.0
We have numerous transferred tenants and all of them show $0 in total due. I would pull my ledgers for that tenant for all the units they have occupied. Had the tenant already been invoiced for the next month? If future charges were not dismissed, that could maybe cause it to show up with a balance due. Just some thoughts.0
Also, you could go into payments and uncheck the "current tenants" box and type their name in the search there a balance due there?0
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