Credit & Account Balance/Credit to show on receipt
Registered User ✭✭✭
On the receipts that are given to our customers there is a couple lines I really want to have the amount show up in - Available Credit, Current Balance (both on the upper portion of the receipt and then Current Account Balance on the lower area of the receipt... I'm going nutz trying to get these numbers to show up - am I just missing something here
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I don't know why Available Credit is ever even on there. The only time it's not $0 is if they have moved out of a secondary unit and the balance hasn't been applied to charges on the current unit yet. So very rare. Any other credit has to be applied to a charge, even if it's just future charges.
Current account balance is usually $0 if you are creating a receipt because they just paid the balance off. So the only time anything will show there is if you take a partial payment from someone on a balance that is currently due (not future rent).0 -
Thank you momaduke7 .. this is so stupid - I cant figure out what this was even put on the receipts -I may just remove the lines.1
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