What do you do with returned locks?
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We sell a Chateau cylinder lock C481-6 w/3 keys to our customer. Sometimes the customer returns the lock and "some" keys. If there are 3 keys returned with the lock we recycle the lock and give it away as free. Locks with 1 or 2 keys returned we keep. Suggestions on what to do with the lock and keys we don't recycle are welcomed.
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I would use the 2-key sets as freebies, as well. If they need more, they can always have them made at a lock shop.
The singles I'd probably just toss.1 -
rmason said:We sell a Chateau cylinder lock C481-6 w/3 keys to our customer. Sometimes the customer returns the lock and "some" keys. If there are 3 keys returned with the lock we recycle the lock and give it away as free. Locks with 1 or 2 keys returned we keep. Suggestions on what to do with the lock and keys we don't recycle are welcomed.2
MamaDuke7 said:
If they need more, they can always have them made at a lock shop.
Didn't think those keys could be duplicated, but then again never tried!0 -
Spray paint them with your company color and use them as an overlock3
Has anyone repackaged the old locks with full sets of keys? Added them back into inventory?0
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