Recommendations on affordable storage bin rentals
Hi everyone,
I run a retail sport store. i used to get shipment once a month , with a stock for the next 1 and half month. Post COVID the sales have been hit so badly and 2 preordered shipments will reach in a week's time. I am left with no space to accommodate this . Also i cannot afford, building a warehouse, just for this. I was looking out for options and came across shipping containers available to rent as storage bins . Can someone give me a lead to this , as it will be really helpful, plus the cost incurred ?
I run a retail sport store. i used to get shipment once a month , with a stock for the next 1 and half month. Post COVID the sales have been hit so badly and 2 preordered shipments will reach in a week's time. I am left with no space to accommodate this . Also i cannot afford, building a warehouse, just for this. I was looking out for options and came across shipping containers available to rent as storage bins . Can someone give me a lead to this , as it will be really helpful, plus the cost incurred ?
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭You will need to just do a Google search for those in your area.4
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