Refund Amount Discrepancy
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#1 I always recommend that facilities don't issue refunds due to employee fraud possibilities and the fact that SL refund figures are often hard to understand from the Refund Receipt. I always do the refunds myself and always verify the figures with written or calculator figures.
#2 We started issuing the refunds on card: customers prefer it, eliminates processing check & mailing and honestly there are quite a few customers that I don't want to have my routing & account number. We have refundable deposit & prorate. Require 5 day notice. If no notice we adjust the refund for 5 days rent.
That being said I processed a refund on a card without double checking the figures.
Tenant had two units. Paid for both on auto pay 6/1/2020. Vacated a unit on 6/4. I applied the refund (106.20) to the remaining unit. Vacated the 2nd unit 6/17.
These are the figures from the SL Refund Receipt:
Refunds Due: Rent $106.20
Deposit $85.00
Subtotal Due $191.20
Refunds Paid: Rent -28.00 Applied Refund (5 day notice amount)
Rent -78.20 American Express (June prorated amount)
Deposit -85.00 American Express
Subtotal Paid $191.20
The refund on the American Express card was processed for $163.20
My calculations (after the fact) Refund: Deposit $85.00
June Prorate $78.20
Credit from other unit $106.20
Sub-total $269.40
5 day rent no notice -28.00
Total Refund $241.40
Anyone bored enough to check my math! LOL The difference is $78.20. I checked both of the ledgers in moved out accounts and neither shows a refund due. The fee for no notice I put in Adjustments -"Damages/Repairs". I have noticed that I am no longer able to check the box that says Apply Security Deposit to Remaining Charges.
Thanks for any help!
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