Interviewing Process
Unconfirmed, Registered User ✭
What kind of questions do yall ask in regards to storage in the interview process?
Since all of our Site Manager positions are part-time, I always lead with, "Why are you interested in a part-time position?" This helps to establish topics of discussion that allow me to ascertain whether they are using the position as a stopgap, or will actually have staying power.
Another favorite is "True or false: The customer is always right." This question helps me to address with the applicant the fact that we are not merely a shop, selling merchandise, but we are a property management company that provides, honors, and enforces a lease -- a legal and binding agreement that must be followed by both parties. If the applicant answers that the customer is always right regardless, I know they are not going to be what we're looking for in an employee.
Hope these help!0
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