Authorized accessors
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Hello all,
I just want to make sure I understand this correctly and or I am doing this correctly. When moving a customer in there is no place to add authorized accessors; however when the move in is complete and the lease pulls up there is a place for the customer to add authorized accessors. If the customer chooses to add authorized accessors, I then have to go back into the customers account and add them in the access tab???
I just want to make sure I understand this correctly and or I am doing this correctly. When moving a customer in there is no place to add authorized accessors; however when the move in is complete and the lease pulls up there is a place for the customer to add authorized accessors. If the customer chooses to add authorized accessors, I then have to go back into the customers account and add them in the access tab???
ESS Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭The way the lease prints makes this tricky. In short tho, when typing in the tenant info into Primary, the next tab is Alternate (emergency contact) this prints on the lease. However, the next tab over, Additional, is the alternate access, which does not print on the lease for some reason. When a tenant lists an alternate for access, I type it into the field and then write it on the lease. Or if their alternate is also the emergency, I just write Has Access beside where it prints the emergency contact name. It would be a lot less confusing if they would reword some things and also print the alternate access name on the lease.1
themage Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭@ESS Under Setup, form setup, double click your lease to edit it. You can add the keywords <Tenant.AddName> , <Tenant.AddPhone> , and <Tenant.AddStreetAddress1> (and related keywords) to print the "additional" contact info.
@MemorialDriveStorageThe "Other Authorized Gate Access" section under the "access" tab isn't available for all of us, depending on which gate system we are using.
If you or the tenant wants each authorized accessor to have their own gate code, time zone, or keypad zone, then yes, what you have described is the only way I can think of. If you just want the authorized accessor(s) listed and all will use the same code, you can use the additional contact tab during move in. Of course, that tab is only meant to hold the info for one person.2 -
MamaDuke7 Registered User, Daily Operations Certified, Advanced Operations Certified, Administrator Certified, myHub Certified ✭✭✭✭✭I don't have authorized access info. Here, the customer gives the key and the gate code to those they want to give access to. I have no part of it. No liability that way!0
What MamaDuke7 said! No liability here either. Keepin' it simple.0
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